
Why are Bananas Curved?

Through cell division, banana plants produce leaves that develop into a pseudostem and produce fruit. The bud forms in the bottom part of the plant and grows up through the centre of the pseudostem to the top. The arrow-shaped bud pushes through the top of the plant and its weight then causes it to change direction and grow towards the ground. Bananas go through a unique process known as  negative geotropism . Instead of continuing to grow towards the ground, they start to turn towards the sun. The fruit grows against gravity, giving the banana its familiar curved shape. But why? The answer lies in the botanical history of the banana. It originated in the middle layer of the rainforest, where there is little sunlight. If the fruit were to grow towards the small amount of light that penetrates sideways through the vegetation, the plant could overbalance and topple over. So bananas developed a way of growing towards the light without detaching the plant.     ...

Asus ZenFone 3 Zoom Now Receiving Android 8.0 Oreo Update

Asus ZenFone 3 Zoom is now receiving a software update that upgrades the smartphone to Android Oreo, making it the third handset in the ZenFone 3 series to receive a taste of the operating software. The update is based on ZenUI 4.0 that the ZenFone 3 Zoom had received previously. The Oreo update carries version number and, apart from the major Android version update, will bring not many other Asus-specific features and additions to the ZenFone 3 Zoom. File size of the update has not been mentioned.

'Developer Union' Asks Apple for App Store Reforms Like Free Trials, Revenue Policy

A group of iOS developers has called on Apple to commit to allowing free trials for all apps in the App Store by July, while adding that it would eventually demand a "reasonable revenue cut". Apple currently receives a 30 percent cut of what revenue developers earn from the App Store. The group, which calls themselves "The Developers Union", detailed their demands in an open letter to the tech giant on Friday, MacRumors reported. "We believe that people who create great software should be able to make a living doing it. So we created The Developers Union to advocate for sustainability in the App Store," the letter read. "Today, we are asking Apple to commit to allowing free trials for all apps in the App Stores by the tenth anniversary of the App Store this July. After that, we'll start advocating for a more reasonable revenue cut and other community-driven, developer-friendly changes," it said. On its website, the Developers Un...

Crypto Weekly: Market surges due to unexpected Bitcoin spike

Market had a sharp trend reversal last week because of minutes. The previous week, market went to a new low below $250 Billion. Now that the free fall has stopped, the market has recovered significantly, touching a high of $338 Billion. We’re still far away from the all time high of $822 Billion in January. This is not a confirmed trend reversal for the market. Most Cryptocurrencies still follow Bitcoin and if Bitcoin goes down, so will the market.

WhatsApp Payments gets 'Request Money' feature on Android beta; here’s how to use it

As of now, the feature is only available for some WhatsApp beta users. WhatsApp added UPI-based payments feature to the messaging platform earlier this year that allows you to send money to other users on the platform. Until now, the feature only allowed you to send money to your contacts, but with the latest update for Android beta, the messaging platform has gained support to request money. To being with, the feature is limited to payments initiated by QR Code or UPI ID. Also, while sending payments is easy, right within your WhatsApp conversations, to request money, the process is a little different. WhatsApp Payments is only available in India, and is currently being tested before the official rollout. WhatsApp has also recently added a new feature to the messaging platform that allows you to download deleted media. The recent beta update also added a feature to lock voice message recording, making it easier to record long voice messages. Now, without any further a...

পশ্চিমবঙ্গ-সিকিমের মধ্যে ট্যাক্সি চলাচল নিয়ে নয়া চুক্তি

কলকাতা, ১৬ এপ্রিলঃ  দীর্ঘ টানাপোড়েনের পর প্রতিবেশী দুই রাজ্য পশ্চিমবঙ্গ ও সিকিমের মধ্যে ট্যাক্সি চলাচল চুক্তি স্বাক্ষরিত হয়েছে। প্রতিবেশী দুই মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় ও পবন চামলিংয়ের প্রতক্ষ হস্তক্ষেপেই দীর্ঘদিনের এই জটিলতার অবসান হল। তবে এবার দুই রাজ্যের মধ্যে চুক্তি হয়েছে সমানে সমানে। এখন থেকে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের ট্যাক্সি সিকিমের গ্যাংটক, নামচি, এবং পেলিংয়ে যেতে পারবে, যেতে পারবে গ্যাংটকের বিমানবন্দর পর্যন্তও। একইভাবে প্রতিবেশী রাজ্য সিকিমের ট্যাক্সি এই রাজ্যের দার্জিলিং, কালিম্পং এবং শিলিগুড়ি যেতে পারবে। শিলিগুড়ি থেকে সিকিমের ট্যাক্সি বাগডোগরা বিমানবন্দর পর্যন্ত যাওয়ার সুযোগ পাবে।

RBI must ensure safety of proposed cryptocurrency

Placing a ban on all regulated entities, including banks, from dealing in virtual currencies like bitcoins, the Reserve Bank of India said that it is exploring a "fiat digital currency". Welcoming the RBI's move to explore introduction of an official virtual currency in India, industry chamber Assocham on Sunday cautioned that extreme care be taken to ensure safety of the data trail that cryptocurrency transactions can leave behind. Placing a ban on all regulated entities, including banks, from dealing in virtual currencies like bitcoins, the Reserve Bank of India said on Thursday that it is exploring a "fiat digital currency". "Of course the inter-departmental study group of the RBI would examine all the safety aspects when it starts working on exploration of the cryptocurrency which has been introduced by private parties in several parts of the world and has attracted a lot of attention," an Assocham release said here. "The need for safe...